Leaning In

At a major cultural institution in New York City, I once served on a committee that had been tasked with making recommendations as to what kind of seating should be installed in new screening rooms they were planning to build.

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Richard C. LedesComment
Lacan via Lucas

Thinking about finding an audience for the film, I remembered long ago hearing about a prop George Lucas always used when he was raising money for STAR WARS. It was a map of the United States with pins stuck in it. He would place it behind him when he spoke to his potential investors.

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Richard C. LedesComment
Shadow: A Parable [Premiere]

SHADOW: A PARABLE, inspired by a story of Edgar Allan Poe, has just been released on my YouTube channel this. It is the second of what I call "Covid 19 Dogma videos," again working remotely and again inspired by a story of Edgar Allan Poe.

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